We have an active patient group at our practice.
If you would like to join the group please follow the links on this page.
We have an active patient group at our practice.
If you would like to join the group please follow the links on this page.
What is a PG? A PG is a patient led group that works in continuous partnership with the general practice. Its members consist of current patients as well as GP...
We are now recruiting patients for our PG! Please fill out the form below or email kingsburycourt.admin@nhs.net to register your interest! We aim to reply within 2 working days
We welcome and appreciate any views or suggestions you may have regarding any aspect of our service, including our website. Please let us know about your experiences, both good and...
We will publish the latest patient survey and results information on this page.
All minutes from PG meetings will be published here.
Prior to any new member joining our PG, we ask that our Terms of Reference (TOR) is read and understood fully. You can find the TOR here KCS TOR FINAL
Any updates will be posted here
Please let us know how likely you are to recommend our GP practice to your friends and family! If you would like to know more about the NHS friends and...
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 4th October, 2024