Kingsbury Court Surgery
Church Street
Dunstable, Bedfordshire

Call: 01582 663 218


Opening hours

The surgery’s core opening hours for appointments are Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm.

There is a surgery for pre- booked appointments from 9.00am – 12.00pm on a Saturday and Tuesday evening from 6.30pm-8.00pm.

There are additional surgeries operating one day a week, offering appointments from 7:00am and evening appointments up until 8.15pm.

These days vary, so please contact our reception for the latest information.


All consultations are by an appointment system. Appointments can be organised by telephone or via the SystmOnline system .

In order to access SystmOnline, you will need a unique username and password which is available from reception.

You will need to bring a form of photographic ID, e.g. a passport, driving/ provisional licence to receive your log in details. Without this, you will not be able to obtain access.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, appointment booking via SystmOnline has been disabled. We hope to reoffer this service soon.

Kingsbury Court will always endeavour to help our patient’s in any way they can. You can see any one of the doctors, although it is better for you to see the same doctor each time you attend. There may be times when your usual doctor is not available, due to holidays, study leave, teaching or illness. On these occasions patients will be seen by another doctor.

If the problem is not urgent, you are more than welcome to organise an appointment with your usual doctor when they return.

All telephone calls to and from the surgery will be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Home visits

To request a home visit, please telephone 01582 663218. If you require a visit on the same day, you must telephone before 10:30am.

We would ask you to keep in mind that home visits are intended for those patients who are housebound or too ill to come to the surgery.

Consulting times

All clinics are by appointment only

Surgery hours may vary – please see the Surgery noticeboard for times, or contact reception.

GP extended access service

To make an appointment outside of normal surgery hours please contact reception, who will be able to provide information on times and venues for these GP Extended Access Appointments.

Please click here to read an information leaflet

Cancelling an appointment

A considerable amount of surgery time is wasted by people either failing to inform us that they are unable to keep an appointment or giving us so little notice that the appointment cannot be re-allocated. Please let us know as far in advance as possible if you cannot keep an appointment – it will always be of use to someone else. Should you fail to attend for 3 appointments in a 12 month period you will be classed as a frequent offender and may be asked to leave the practice. Click here to complete the online form to let us know you cannot attend your appointment.

Face Masks

We recommend that you wear a face mask when attending the surgery. Thank you for your understanding.

Call Recording

All calls to the practice, both inbound and outbound, are recorded for quality, monitoring and training purposes.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 23rd July, 2024