Healthwatch will be in the local community, and they want to talk to you! See the poster below for more details.
Happy International Women’s Day!
From us all at the practice.
Do you want to know more about who you will see at the practice?
If so, please visit our Primary Care Additional Roles page!
Perinatal Positivity
Perinatal mental health issues can happen in any pregnancy, and in the first years of being a parent (antenatal and postnatal). Issues can affect new mums and dads, people with … [continue] Perinatal Positivity
Do you want to make a change?
Would you like to learn what healthy relationships look like? Do you want to respond to your emotions without causing harm or distress to others? If so, the Chrysalis Centre … [continue] Do you want to make a change?
Available support with Tibbs Dementia Foundation
Tibbs Dementia Foundation have some really helpful groups that are available to attend. Please see the posters below for more information.
Reflect is a service for young people living in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. Text REFLECT to 85258 to start a free, confidential text conversation with a trained volunteer, … [continue] Reflect
Mental Health Resources
For Men to Talk – Events | For Men To Talk Wellbeing Biggleswade Central Bedfordshire – Mind BLMK ( Discovery College – mental health recovery for adolescents Bedfordshire and Luton Discovery College | East … [continue] Mental Health Resources
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The team at Kingsbury Court Surgery would like to wish our patients a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Domestic abuse services opening times at Christmas.
If you are affected by domestic abuse and need support over Christmas, you are not alone. Help is available. See below for information services and their opening times over Christmas.
Mental Health at Christmas
Christmas, New Year and the festive season may be a time of celebration that you look forward to, or it may be a time that you find a bit difficult. … [continue] Mental Health at Christmas
It was an honour for me to be invited to represent the practice at the #TooManyNames campaign on the 1st December 2023. This was organised by the Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse … [continue] #TooManyNames
Healthier Together
The Healthier Together website is a fantastic resource for information on common childhood illnesses. Scan the QR code below!
Planning to conceive?
Please see some helpful leaflets below as well as a poster containing a QR code which will take you to some helpful information! Preconception-flier-A5_Bengali Preconception-flier-A5_English Preconception-flier-A5_Gujarati Preconception-flier-A5_Polish Preconception-flier-A5_Punjabi Preconception-flier-A5_Romanian Preconception-flier-A5_Urdu
Planning for Pregnancy with Diabetes?
Please see some helpful leaflets below as well as a poster containing a QR code which will take you to some helpful information! V7_FINAL BENGALI V7_FINAL ENGLISH Planning for Pregnancy … [continue] Planning for Pregnancy with Diabetes?
Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day 2023
Today is Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day 2023 #MenYouAreNotAlone Services that can help Mankind: Mankind provide information, support and signposting services to men suffering from domestic abuse from … [continue] Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day 2023
Autumn Newsletter 2023
Please see our Autumn Newsletter 01 where we share important updates and information!
Tibbs Walking Football
Do you, or someone you know, have dementia? Pop on down to Tibbs Walking Football! The sessions run every Thursday at 10.00am for 1 hour at The Dunstable Centre, Court … [continue] Tibbs Walking Football
The Learning Disability Health Roadshow
There are two upcoming dates for the Learning Disability Health Roadshow! Tuesday 14th November between 10:00- 15:00 at the Hat Factory Arts Centre, 65- 67 Bute Street, Luton, LU1 2EY. … [continue] The Learning Disability Health Roadshow
Preparing to conceive?
To support improving outcomes for women and birthing people who are thinking about starting a family, Healthwatch are holding an event on: Thursday 21st September 18:00- 20:00 at The Rufus … [continue] Preparing to conceive?
Walking Football
Do you want to get back into sport? Why not try Walking Football? It’s both free of charge and local!
Back, neck, muscle or joint pain?
Are you planning to conceive?
Please see the helpful booklet for more information!
Measles cases are on the rise!
⚠️ Measles cases are rising in England! ⚠️ Make sure your child is up to date with their MMR vaccinations. For more information visit
Smear Saturday’s
Cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer. At Kingsbury Court Surgery, we now offer cervical screening on Saturday’s! Please contact the practice today … [continue] Smear Saturday’s
Dr Fsadni
The Partners at Kingsbury Court Surgery are saddened to announce the passing of one of our previous GP Partners, Dr Fsadni. Dr Fsadni was a well-respected colleague who worked at … [continue] Dr Fsadni
SEND Health Focus Week!
SEND Health Focus Week has begun! SEND Health Focus Week is a series of interesting and engaging workshops and webinars by health professionals and Experts by Experience for parents/ carers … [continue] SEND Health Focus Week!
Vaping and E- cigarettes, the facts for parents!
Attached to this page you will find a helpful leaflet containing information about vaping and e- cigarettes. This leaflet was designed to support parents and carers to have conversations with … [continue] Vaping and E- cigarettes, the facts for parents!
Carer’s Week!
Carers in Bedfordshire have a 6 week programme of support for carers covering a variety of topics, which starts Friday 14th July 2023 from 10:30am- 12:30pm. See the poster below … [continue] Carer’s Week!
Dog safety
It is imperative that both parents and children are equipped with the knowledge they need to enjoy spending time with dogs safely. Close supervision is necessary to ensuring dogs and … [continue] Dog safety